Urgent: FOR REGION 3 PARTICIPANTS (Qualifying Stage)

For Region 3 Participants: You may send your application forms via E-MAIL to   pmo@math.upd.edu.ph   and pay the registration fee onthe day of the Qualifying  Exam . Late applications will be accepted. You may also both submit the form and pay the fee on the...

Report on the Philippine Participation to the 57th IMO

A Report on the Philippine Participation to the 57th International Mathematical Olympiad — By Richard Eden and Louie John Vallejo (Photo from the Facebook page of DOST-SEI. (Starting from the left) Ang, Wu, Dulay, Que, Torres, Patupat) The Philippines just won...

19th PMO Application Form

Attached in the link below is the Application Form for the 19th PMO. EDIT: 04 July 2016 – Please download the new file because the previous file had a typographical error. Instead of “2016-2017”, it should be “The applicant’s Final Grade...

18th PMO National Stage Questions

Attached here in this post are the questions (with solutions) from the 18th Philippine Mathematical Olympiad – National Stage.   WRITTEN PHASE 18th PMO – National Stage – Written Phase (Questions) 18th PMO – National Stage – Written...